First Snow Experience in Maine

A couple weeks ago, I got to experience my first ever snow storm. Well, the aftermath of it, I should say. Luckily, it was the middle of the night when the actual storm hit so the next day, I woke up on the moon (well, not really, but with all the snow, it sure felt like the moon!) I had never ever seen anything like it. It was so inexplicably strange and wonderful at the same time. For the whole day, I was staring out the window and since the temperature was “normal”, I even stepped outside and tried my hand at shoveling snow for the first time (with my lovely pink shovel that I got at Reny’s— more on the wonderful world of Reny’s another time).

I’ve been told all the things about snow. The extreme dangers, the “This isn’t even half of it— just wait and see!” exclamations from the bewildered Mainers who say this is the hottest Winter they’ve ever experienced (did I bring a piece of California with me after all?!). Don’t forget, California has some snow too but I didn’t live in those snowy parts and have only experienced a mild snowfall a couple of times in my life. But speaking strictly from my perspective, I feel like everyone should experience an abnormal amount of snow at least once in their life. It gives you a whole new view of what mother nature is capable of, something we tend to take for granted when the weather never changes.

If I’m being 100% honest, I loved the newness of seeing snow and am looking forward to trying a few winter activities, but in the long term, I wouldn’t want to live in the snow forever. But I want to quickly state that this is something I had to find out for myself despite everyone warning me about it. I never want to live my life through somebody else’s experience if I can help it because then I wouldn’t be living, would I?

Saying all that, I won’t lie to you, it was especially tricky trying to navigate the newness of scraping ice and snow off the car. It was sort of interesting to focus solely on scraping ice off a windshield— sort of like meditating. But then I’d look at the time and realize it was taking too long and then my anxiety would start to creep in. For a few days, it was single-digit temperatures as I stood outside scraping ice and I worried my still somewhat clueless self would get frostbite right then and there. To make a long story short, I left the car parked in the driveway and woke up about an hour and a half before work to attempt to clear everything. I was especially nervous about driving in the snow but luckily, the snow plowers seem to do a thorough job of keeping everything clear. I know it won’t always be like that, especially during a storm but I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that I won’t have work on those days!

Speaking of which, I highly suggest that if anyone is thinking of living in a snowy environment, try to get a remote job or one where your commute is only 10 minutes and no longer. I currently have a commute that isn’t ideal for a newbie like me. Again, living and learning all the time! So yes, I’ve got some big decisions to make this Winter.

Overall, I hope Winter takes it time to fully arrive. It’s been a promising start so far. I’ll keep checking in here to let you know how things progress. But until then, I’ve got some books, creative projects, and all the hot drinks lined up! An introvert’s dream, am I right? Wish me luck!


I Survived My First Winter in Maine


Adjusting To Life in a Maine Farmhouse